Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Weak and Weary, the Weather is Wet

Greetings and salutations, my Great Lakes patrons. Since I'm rained in at the moment, I thought I'd take time update. Or maybe just express my tribulations (see: expostulations). I don't know; we'll see where this goes.

Maybe it's the 9-5 daily lectures. Maybe it's the fact that my inner forearms are sore (and I didn't even know muscles existed in that part of the body -- oh the wonders of rock climbing). Maybe it's because I'm supposed to be writing 125 word bio, and instead all I wanna do is watch YouTube videos and detox. Maybe it's because I have 10 page editing assignment on the corner of my desk, mocking me. Regardless, it's getting a lot harder to wake up in the morning. All I've craved for the past two days is sleep and mindless activity.

Don't get me wrong -- I love being out here, I love seeing the mountains every morning on my way to class, and I love discussing every aspect of the book day in and day out. I love meeting new people and learning everything I possibly can. But I'm getting anxious. I want a job.

Speaking of which, the immediacy to find a job is starting to hit me. Places I've been looking:
Lerner Publishing, based in Minneapolis, MN
Any and all listings on bookjobs.com
Any and all listings on idealist.org
John Wiley & Sons, based in Somerset/Edison, New Jersey (but they offer my DREAM JOB in Toronto, Ontario!)

I don't think either one of us has mentioned it, but the staff here is unbelievable. We're always encouraged to do better, but also not cut a lot of slack in terms of out-of-class assignments, which, I think, is the greatest way to learn. I will admit that I am a little bias: Gladys, the sassy grandmother-like figure, is always keeping us on our toes and continuously raising the bar ... but really, this woman is remarkable. She knows the business backwards and forwards, moved to Manhattan two days after her college graduation (and has since resided there), and she buys discount Birkenstocks on QVC ... now that's just freakin' cool.

To give you some idea of our editing workshops, here is The Board of Editors, minus Karl:

From left to right: Gladys, Arnold and Elizabeth

And, because I couldn't resist -- Gladys busting a move from the DUPI '05 Photo Gallery:

Okay. End random diatribes. Below, pictures of me and Steph getting ready to climb. Notice that we're both endorsing Michigan State. Pay up, Alumni Association!

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