Friday, July 13, 2007

Gladys Topkis is my hero.

Not too much to report on the homefront... Still networking, still meeting the cream of the crop in the publishing world, and still confused as to what direction I want to take with my life. The presentation today was on college textbook publishing, which I never even considered going into -- but the field sounds like a fascinating one, and it was the most appealing lecture that I've heard so far.

Aside from the school days and editing workshops and networking picnics... most of our time is spent exploring the city. Tonight was our first night out at the bar, which could've been better planned, seeing as we all haven't slept in days. Thankfully the SoCo girls made an appearance and we got some free tastes.

In sum: the people here are great, and so are the experiences. The only downside is the insane amount of crime that seems to occur both in the city and on campus! In a matter of days, Zoomer got her bike ripped off (she was one of three people who are now without wheels), and another classmate of ours got her car broken into and the ignition tampered with. So if you don't here from us in a couple days ... assume we got mugged for our valuables and are lying in a lightrail station somewhere.

I could really go for some pizza now.
And thus my quest begins.
Happy Thursday to all, and to all a goodnight.


Unknown said...

Just a comment regarding the headline that mentions Gladys Topkis, former chief editor at Princeton University Press. She taught the editing classes at the University of Denver Publishing Institute for more than 30 years, along with Arnold Dolin, former senior vice president of Dutton/Plume with the Penguin group. I hweard from Arnold yesterday that Galdys passed on two weeks ago. Those who have had the privilege of learning from her would acknowledge her to be one of the best in the business. We will all miss her.

Unknown said...

I apologize for two mistakes in my post: Gladys was senior editor at YALE University Press, and line 7 of my post should read "heard from."