Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Scrabulous will be the death of us...

During the online marketing workshop today our speaker told us of a wonderful Facebook application called Scrabulous. He was a really cool guy (who works at Random House!), but that was not a good idea. Now we're all addicted to it... But other than that, the online marketing workshop was really interesting. I think I finally know how those ad links on Google work now :) I don't think I'm going to go into marketing, but it doesn't hurt to have the knowledge. I also talked to him about blogs and how advertising works for them and how it's becoming more popular. Gosh, I'm such a blog dork...

But it's been a pretty fun filled week, if I do say so myself. Monday night we went to see a showing of The Shining at the Red Rocks Theater. This isn't just any theater, it's a HUGE outdoor theater in the mountains. It holds ten thousand people. And it sold out. It was my first time seeing the movie and I don't think I could have picked a better location. Since it takes place in Colorado, every time they mentioned "Denver," "Colorado," or anything related to either, everyone started cheering. All in all it was a lot of fun and if you're ever in the Denver area, I recommend that you check it out.

We also have a very busy week ahead of us. In addition to class, we are going to a baseball game, the Coors brewery, The Little Mermaid musical, and much more. We'll check in later!

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