Sunday, July 22, 2007

I think hummingbirds are magical.

Us DPI girls are gearing up for a week of marketing! I, for one, am uberly pumped. Carl Lennertz, vice president of marketing at HarperCollins Publishers, is heading up lectures for the week. We had an fruit-and-cheese reception today to have him introduce himself and Joyce, and damn -- what a cool guy. If he were my first boss, I would consider myself all kinds of fortunate. Maybe I'll turn into one of those cutthroat DPI students for the week, pushing myself through the lines and crashing in on Carl's lunch table. Could be fun. I'll report back on how well that works out, hah.

Short notes:
--Ate at the Wazee Supper Club this evening -- delicious! Right on the corner of 15th and Wazee... try the French Onion, you won't regret it.
--Loveland Pass in Breckenridge has a most excellent view. And snow. Slippery, hard snow. Rockin'.
--I have gotten 2 people addicted to The Baby-sitter's Club. I consider that an accomplishment.
--Whistles should not be allowed on public transportation, period.
--In the state of Colorado, it will rain every day. No, seriously.
--Pizza should be available 24 hours a day, and never farther than a block away.
--Parting life advice from Gladys: find yourself a talking canoe.
--Cursing people in crowded bookstores can be dangerous -- always keep your wand high above your head or very low at your side. And don't use it as a microphone. Unless you're singing Total Eclipse of the Heart.

I think that's it...

Oh, yea. We swam in a river.

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