Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Final Countdown

Last weekend in Denver! Ahh! While time may have slowed during our editing workshops, it has definitely picked up speed in the past week. Carl was AMAZING -- not only did I come up with a marketing plan, but I LIKED coming up with a marketing plan, and was genuinely interested in how to go about doing so. Marketing is cool. Carl is cool. A big thumbs up to the past 7 days.

This job thing is still hanging over my head... I swear, if it's not one thing, it's another. Ah, well... I'll see what my offers are... and most likely take the first one, hah.

Our last week is all very profession-oriented -- mock job interviews, pitching book ideas, actual HR people with job offers coming in to interview, and, finally, "graduation." Then our network of publishing folk is re-scattered all over the country, and we wait and see what happens.

But, serious stuff aside, we're trying to accomplish all the Colorado-stuff we can in the next five days. Friday was the much anticipated Little Mermaid (which was incredible, sans the 20 minute improv ending), and today was the DPI-sponsored trips to the Broadmoor and Garden of the Gods. And, while I appreciated all the planning and busing on their part, I was sorely disappointed at the 30 minutes that were allotted for our exploration of the wicked cool rock formations at the Garden. We tried to make the best of it, though, and it wasn't all bad: the setting provided us with the perfect backdrop for Jillian's Next Top Model photo shoot! She's going to apply... she just doesn't know it yet.

Also, some more Mile High Tips and Tricks:
--Spanky's: The Restaurant, on University. Don't do it.
--Nights of Teddy Grahams, Rainbow Chip frosting, and Graham Crackers. Definitely do it.
--How many publishing students does it take to operate an elevator? Depends on how many floors are restricted.
--The Broadmoor may be fancy, but the truffles are NOT worth $2.80.
--Britney Spears is totally nuts. Have you read the article in Ok? Completely off the deep end....
--Warning: Denver is America's capital for single men. Keep that in mind when one of them tries to share an umbrella with you, or lift up your skirt at a Rockies game...
--The Coors Brewery Tour is great -- you learn, and you get three free 8oz samples (including ZIMA!) -- but if you don't have an hour and half to spare, opt for the short tour: a wrist band, and then straight on to the Drinking Lounge!

Kissing Camels @ Garden of the Gods

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