Saturday, July 14, 2007

One time, there was this mountain goat...

Public Service Announcement: Don't go anywhere without an umbrella while in the state of Colorado. It just ain't smart.

In other news, I found the best bar in Denver: The Giggling Grizzly. DPI took it over last night, but we were there early enough to score free baskets of popcorn. Five hours, three vodka pineapples, and one giggly bear later, we made the trek back to The Towers. PSA #2: Lightrails are SLOW at night. Really, really, really slow. And overpopulated with police.

A memento from the bar that's giggle-worthy:

Today we traveled into the mountains. There was a rough encounter with a mountain goat, mild cases of hypothermia, and some homemade ice cream cones -- and, of course, mountains.


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