Monday, July 9, 2007

"I am a legend in my own mind."

A quick update from the mile high city!

Long long long day today. Networking sucks the life out of you, I'll tell you that much. We met with Larry Kirshbaum, former CEO of Time Warner books -- hilarious, brilliant man. One of the most engaging speakers I've seen in a long time, and very down to earth. I'll never look at pigs in a blanket the same way again...

Also had a lecture from Charlie Spicer, an Exec Editor at St. Martin. His talk gave a great overview of the editing world -- and reinforced my decision to not go into editing, hah.

We went in to LoDo again tonight for a book signing by Stephen Coonts. I haven't read any of his work, but his style of suspenseful thriller sounds like a good beach read. Or maybe I'll just watch the movie Flight of the Intruder and call it good. :)

So, if anyone is visiting Denver in the near future, some excellent places to check out:
--The Tattered Cover bookstore at 16th Street & Wynkoop, across from Union Station. It's independently owned, and absolutely HUGE! The building was formerly the Morey Mercantile Building, and it's four floors of amazing book displays and cushy chairs. I've never seen a bookstore like it.
--Sonoda's Sushi & Seafood on Market St. The avocado rolls were exceptionally tasty, and it's reasonably priced.

Aaaand with that.. it's about time I started getting prepared for tomorrow's lecture: the economics of publishing. We have to bring a calculator to class. Argh.

Peace and love from the 'Ver!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Quite right about the networking. Couldn't have said it better myself!
If I wasn't leaving in a few days I would be on a plane to check out that bookstore today. I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through you!