Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sun, Rain, and Bubble Chairs

Another quick update from the mile high city:

Class was alright today. We got to hear a roundtable discussion on how a book is "born," which was very interesting, especially because it consisted of a bestselling author, an executive editor, and a literary agent. Apparently that doesn't happen too often. The afternoon consisted of a lecture on the economics of publishing. Economics is definitely not my thing, but the information was valuable.

I maintain my stance that Denver has very odd weather. We were about to leave for dinner and we making our way downstairs when we realized that it was raining (really, it was pouring) and it was completely SUNNY:

It stopped raining soon after though and Lisa decided to be all artistic with her camera and snapped a pretty sweet picture of the fitness center tower (yes, the fitness center has a tower, it's crazy):

After dinner, Lisa and I decided to head over to the library to finish/print our homework for tomorrow. Lisa got excited (maybe a little tooooo excited) about the bubble chair in the lobby. She, of course, had to sit in it:

We were also feeling a little PW nostalgia tonight. Especially when Lisa came across pictures of 317 on her camera. Oh, freaky stress cows...

And that is all for now because I have to go do some more reading (big surprise, I know). Until next time.


Lisa said...

Okay, the excitement with the bubble chair was because it is the EXACT SAME ONE that is featured in Sleepless in Seattle. And that's just freakin' cool.

Jenelle said...

Good post, I like the pictures, keep them coming:)